Debugging a Lambda

To debug real events in real time, you should have at least:

  • A queue (to store the events)
  • A proxy (to forward the events to the queue)
  • A lambda project (to process the events)

Creating a queue

To create a queue, you can use the command lt project queue create:

$ lt queue create -q myQueue
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.11) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] The queue 'myQueue.fifo' has been created.


In any moment, you can use lt list to see all resources in your lambda-toolkit environment.

Deploying a proxy

To deploy a proxy, you can use the command lt project proxy deploy:

$ lt proxy deploy -p myProxy -q myQueue
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.11) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Lambda proxy myProxy created proxying requests to myQueue.fifo

Verifying requisites

Let’s list our environment, to check if we already have the queue, the proxy and the lambda project.

$ lt list
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.11) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] User Projects (Lambda Functions):
[INFO] - Project:     s3_resources             Deployed: True                     Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] - Project:     myLambdaProject          Deployed: True                     Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] - Project:     lambda-list-buckets      Deployed: True                     Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] SQS (Queues):
[INFO] - Queue name:  myQueue.fifo             Used by:  myProxy
[INFO] Proxies (Lambda proxies):
[INFO] - Proxy name:  myProxy                  Queue:    myQueue.fifo             Runtime:  python2.7


Note that now we have the proxy myProxy forwarding the event to myQueue.


Now that you already have the all requisites to run a receiver, we can execute it to start to collect our real data in real time:

$ lt receiver collect --projectname myLambdaProject --sqsname myQueue
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.11) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Importing project myLambdaProject
[INFO] Starting the receiver using the queue myQueue.fifo


You can run this command inside your IDE in Debug Mode. By this way you will be able to set break points and debug all data. If you want to just see the logs in real time, you can use the lt tail instead the lt receiver.