Creating a lambda project

The first step to start to use the lambda-toolkit is creating or importing a lambda project. Lambda-toolkit provides a command called project, that you can invoke to create a lambda project running the command lt project create:

$ lt project create -p myLambdaProject
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Creating the project lambda-toolkit folder '/Users/glucio/lambda-toolkit/lambdas/myLambdaProject_eu-west-1'
[INFO] Project 'myLambdaProject' [python2.7] has been created.

Now I have my project pre-configured in lambdas/myLambdaProject_eu-west-1:

$ ls /Users/glucio/lambda-toolkit/lambdas/myLambdaProject_eu-west-1


Lambda-toolkit created also the file Lambda-toolkit creates this file to make sure that it will be possible to load this project as module.

Now, if we list our environment, we already can see this project:

$ lt list
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] User Projects (Lambda Functions):
[INFO] - Project:     lambda-list-buckets      Deployed: True                     Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] - Project:     myLambdaProject          Deployed: False                    Runtime:  python2.7

To see the project command help, just type lt project --help:

Manage Projects


 $ lt project list
 $ lt project create -p myProject [--runtime nodejs6.10]
 $ lt project delete -p myProject
 $ lt project deploy -p myProject [--rolename arn:xxx:yyyy]
 $ lt project undeploy -p myProject
 $ lt project deploy-all [--rolename arn:xxx:yyyy]
 $ lt project undeploy-all
 $ lt project import -p myAwsProject
 $ lt project import-all
 $ lt project list-aws


For all the commands, you can use --help. For example: lt invoke --help or lt queue --help.

Listing AWS lambda projects

To list all existing AWS lambda projects in your AWS environment, you can use the command lt project list-aws:

$ lt project list-aws
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] AWS Projects (Lambda Functions):
[INFO] - Project:     abcd                     Imported: False                    Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] - Project:     s3_resources             Imported: False                    Runtime:  python2.7
[INFO] - Project:     lambda-list-buckets      Imported: True                     Runtime:  python2.7

Importing an existing AWS lambda project

To import an existing lambda project in your AWS environment, you can use the command lt project import:

$ lt project import -p s3_resources
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Creating the project lambda-toolkit folder '/Users/glucio/lambda-toolkit/lambdas/s3_resources_eu-west-1'
[INFO] Project s3_resources imported.


Note that if you import an proxy that you already have inside lambda-toolkit, it will overwrite your local project. It can be very useful if you wish to update your local project from the lambda in the AWS, but it also can make you lose data.

Deploying a project in AWS

To deploy a project to your AWS environment, you can use the command lt project deploy:

$ lt project deploy -p myLambdaProject
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Lambda project myLambdaProject was created and deployed.


Note that I didn’t provide the option --rolename that is required. It happened due I previously had configured a default role using the command lt role --set-default.


If you already have a lambda project with this name in your AWS environment, it will be overwritten.

Setting a default role

To set a default role to be used always that you do not provide a rolename to deploy a proxy or a lambda project, you can use the command lt role:

$ lt role set-default --rolename arn:aws:iam::432811670411:role/service-role/myRoleLambda
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/service-role/myRoleLambda' is set as default now.


If you define a default role, but you use the --rolename to deploy a lambda project, the rolename that you specify will preponderate.

Invoking a local lambda

To invoke a lambda project locally in your machine, you can use the command lt project invoke:

$ lt invoke local --projectname myLambdaProject --event-file helloworld.json
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.10) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Importing project myLambdaProject
Hi, I'm here. Lambda-proxy is working. =)
AWS Event ID: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
Event Body: {"key3": "value3", "key2": "value2", "key1": "value1"}


You can customize or add new events file in the folder ~/lambda-toolkit/invoke/events/

Invoking a remote lambda

To invoke a lambda project remotely, you can use the command lt project invoke remote:

$ lt invoke remote --event-file helloworld.json --projectname myLambdaProject
Initializing lambda-toolkit CLI (v0.2.11) - Region: eu-west-1 - Auth: file
[INFO] Invoking the project myLambdaProject
START RequestId: 5a380d00-66c6-11e7-8119-9b430b7e8688 Version: $LATEST
Hi, I'm here. Lambda-proxy is working. =)
AWS Event ID: 5a380d00-66c6-11e7-8119-9b430b7e8688
Event Body: {"key3": "value3", "key2": "value2", "key1": "value1"}
END RequestId: 5a380d00-66c6-11e7-8119-9b430b7e8688
REPORT RequestId: 5a380d00-66c6-11e7-8119-9b430b7e8688      Duration: 0.57 ms       Billed Duration: 100 ms         Memory Size: 128 MB     Max     Memory Used: 29 MB


You can invoke remotely your lambda-toolkit proxy, providing the argument --proxyname instead --projectname.

Tailing a remote lambda

To tail a remote lambda project, you can use the command lt tail cloudwatch:

$ lt tail cloudwatch --loggroupname "/aws/lambda/myLambdaProject"
Initializing tail-toolkit CLI (v0.0.5) - Region: eu-west-1
Collecting logs in real time, starting from 5 minutes ago
START RequestId: 8b690d74-66de-11e7-b54e-2d48a73dcaf9 Version: $LATEST
Hi, I'm here. Lambda-proxy is working. =)
AWS Event ID: 8b690d74-66de-11e7-b54e-2d48a73dcaf9
Event Body: {"account": "123456789000", "region": "eu-west-1", "detail": {"state": "running", "instance-id": "i-03169cf0533d7d000"}, "detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification", "source": "aws.ec2", "version": "0", "time": "2017-07-12T08:46:05Z", "id": "812d642c-5f46-4588-9dde-bfa4478a4e78", "resources": ["arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:123456789000:instance/i-03169cf0533d7d000"]}
END RequestId: 8b690d74-66de-11e7-b54e-2d48a73dcaf9
REPORT RequestId: 8b690d74-66de-11e7-b54e-2d48a73dcaf9       Duration: 0.69 ms       Billed Duration: 100 ms         Memory Size: 128 MB     Max Memory Used: 29 MB


Please note that tail can be used to any log group name in your cloudwatch environment. To tail your lambda functions you should append the lambda log group prefix /aws/lambda/<your lambda function name>


If you want to debug your remote lambda function, you should use the receiver command instead the tail.